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Our Achievements

Extending a Hand firmly believes that vulnerable groups have the right to have a dignified life, and therefore, through improving their living conditions they can become self sustained and valuable members in their community. Children and youth realize their full potential and become productive when they can live, study and work in a healthy and stable environment along with the elderly, who have every right to live their last years in peace. 
Children Tying Their Shoes

SHUZZ 2017

Shuzz, a great and wonderful foundation, supported our cause for our annual program "Backpacks of Love" in 2017 with an absolutely spectacular donation of shoes to give joy and cover a great need to our children and elderlies in Colombia!

School Bus & Children


Continuing with our mission to bring joy through the "Backpacks of Love" Extending to Hand / Foundation A Friendly Hand is present in South Florida, USA donating 200 backpacks to children in need!

Optical Glasses


The children and nuns of Santa Ana and Nazareth Orphanages received free vision screenings and eye exams. This vision drive-day was a donation from our volunteer Dr. Gerardo Salamanca and optometrist Dr. Jose Joaquin Pazcagaza from Bogotá, Colombia.

Computer Class


Extending A Hand's Computer Lab Project was founded to provide a good tool to create extra-curricular computer classes for the children of the Santa Ana and Nazareth orphan schools. With the success of this project we were able to provide a good tool to expand their knowledge and help them complete homework and projects and improve their computer skills. As well as develop online technical training for teens, 13 and up, in possible employment areas and to start online English classes.

Happy Kids with Books


Once again, Extending a Hand Foundation (Fundacion Una Mano Amiga) is hosting a "Backpacks of Love" campaign. Each year we support children from the Santa Ana and Nazareth Orphan schools, sick seniors from the Guillermo Greffestein Elderly Home, and other poor kids from the villages around Agua de Dios with a backpacks drive campaign, delivering backpacks full of primary necessities to those in need. 

Eye Test Glasses


On February 28th, 2015 the children and nuns of Santa Ana and Nazareth Orphanages received free vision screenings and eye exams. This vision drive-day was a donation from our volunteer Dr. Gerardo Salamanca and optometrist Dr. Jose Joaquin Pazcagaza from Bogotá, Colombia. After the exams and screenings of 50 children, 50 sick seniors from Guillermo Greffestein Elderly Home and 6 nuns the results were: 18 children needed corrective lenses, 5 children needed vision therapy 1 nun needed glasses and vision surgery. All corrective lenses were donated and delivered by Dr. Salamanca and Dr. Pazcagazaon on April 18th, 2015. Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Marta López, five children with severe vision problems received vision therapy at no cost at the Instituto Coperavi, one of the best vision institutions in Bogotá, Colombia.




Vulnerable kids served in Agua de Dios, Colombia 
Poor kids served in the surrounding villages 
Elders served at the Guillermo Greffestein Elderly Nursing Home  
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